Interview with Dr. Tom Lehman, author of 'In Defense of Payday Lending'
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Dr. Tom Lehman joined us to discuss the issue of economics as it applies to the payday loan industry in general and, specifically, to tell us about the economic theory underpinning his article, "In Defense of Payday Lending."
Published in late 2003 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, an economic think tank, "In Defense of Payday Lending" has become a seminal article about the industry that makes a case for less industry regulation while taking industry critics to task. The article is often provided as a counterpoint to material by industry naysayers.
About Dr. Tom Lehman - From the Indiana Wesleyan Website: "Dr. Tom Lehman is Associate Professor of Economics at Indiana Wesleyan University, and teaches the Introduction to Economics (macroeconomics) and Microeconomics courses. Dr. Lehman has served Indiana Wesleyan in a variety of capacities, including administrator and adjunct professor, since 1994. Dr. Lehman's core areas of teaching, research, and publication include: principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, public policy and administration (Public Choice theory), public finance and budgeting, urban economics and government, urban housing markets, urban economic growth, inequality, Austrian economics, and statistics and social science research methods. . . . Beyond his academic interests and teaching pursuits, Dr. Lehman has six years of experience in the insurance, banking, and financial services industries."
Read "In Defense of Payday Lending"
Read Dr. Lehman's "In Defense of Payday Lending", as published in The Free Market, Volume 23, Number 9, September 2003, at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.
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