Additional Sources of Information about the Payday Loan and Cash Advance Industries
Why does PLIWatch list these particular links?
The sites and articles we've listed below have been included because we think they have real value and use. Please note that all links open a new window.
Related resources about payday loans and finances
- BankRate.com - Claims to have free, objective information and rate quotes for consumer bank products such as mortgage rates, home loans, credit cards, CDs, auto loans, home equity loans, money market funds, personal loans, checking and savings accounts.
- Banksite Consumer Guide - A series of self-tests you can use to check what kinds of credit may be suitable for you (other than payday loans or cash advances).
- Center for Responsible Lending - From their literature: "The Center for Responsible Lending is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and policy organization dedicated to protecting homeownership and family wealth by working to eliminate abusive financial practices. CRL is affiliated with Self-Help, one of the nation's largest community development financial institutions."
- CFA's Payday Loan Consumer Information Site - From their Web site: "Since 1968, the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) has provided consumers a well-reasoned and articulate voice in decisions that affect their lives. Day in and out, CFA's professional staff gathers facts, analyzes issues, and disseminates information to the public, policymakers, and rest of the consumer movement."
- Payday Loan Industry Watch Tips Page - We have a series of short articles about the payday loan and cash advance industry. Learn what it is, how it works, and more.
Related articles about payday loans and finances
Related resources about credit counseling and debt consolidation
Can a link to my site or article be included on this page?
If you have a Web resource you think our site visitors will find useful, please contact William Stotler. He will be happy to link to your site or article if he thinks your site or article has value for visitors to PLIWatch.org.
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July 21 - WeGiveCash claimed we could get $1,500. But, after entering qualifying customer information, we were declined and then forwarded to another Web site to re-apply.