Interview with Jackie Bates and Ernie St. Gelais - LinkConnector Representatives
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As a follow-up to our coverage of Affiliate Summit 2006 in PLIWatch podcast number eight, we invited LinkConnector--an affiliate network marketing company we interviewed at the Summit on the tradeshow floor--to join us.
LinkConnector's Jackie Bates and Ernie St. Gelais were kind enough to dial in and cover topics ranging from technologies and techniques they employ in their affiliate network to giving some insights about fraud--and how to manage it--in the affiliate marketplace.
Jackie Bates, Director of Marketing, LinkConnector. With four years of hands-on experience, Jackie is an expert in the search engine marketing field, having gained valuable skill sets in both the online and offline marketing space.
Ernie St. Gelais, Co-Founder and Co-President, LinkConnector. Ernie has been actively involved in the computer industry for over twenty years, the last seven of which have been directly tied to the Internet.
About LinkConnector: "LinkConnector is an affiliate marketing network, helping merchants and affiliates increase online sales. LinkConnector offers all standard affiliate program benefits, but is also changing the face of affiliate marketing to better meet its customers' expectations."
You can visit LinkConnector at: www.linkconnector.com.
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