PLIWatch's Dashboard Widget, 'RSS Reader'
July 29, 2006 - Alton, Illinois
For its base of Apple Macintosh OS X users, PLIWatch has developed the 'PLIWatch RSS Reader' dashboard widget.
When news, podcasts, or press releases at PLIWatch.org change (and when the widget can access the Internet), all summaries will update automatically. Clicking any headline will launch a Web browser so the article can be read in full at PLIWatch.org.

Instructions and Notes:
- Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is required.
- If you're using Safari, click the download link.
- When the widget download is complete, Show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widget's icon in the Widget Bar to open it.
- If you're using a browser other than Safari, click the download link.
- When the widget download is complete, unarchive it and place it in /Library/Widgets/ in your home folder.
- Show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widget's icon in the Widget Bar to open it.
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