How do I subscribe to a Podcast?
Suggested Method: Use iTunes
If you have Apple's iTunes installed, visit any of our podcast's pages and click the provided iTunes icon to open iTunes and show the PLIWatch podcast automatically: 
Then, using the subscribe button in iTunes, just subscribe to the podcast. That's it!
Alternate Method: Copy the podcast address to your podcast receiver (like Juice).
Subscribing to a podcast has four easy steps:
- Right-click (Windows) or control-click (Macintosh) the podcast icon:

- From the pop-up menu, choose:
- "Copy Shortcut" (Windows / Internet Explorer)
- "Copy Link Location" (Windows / Firefox)
- "Copy Link" (Macintosh / Safari)
- "Copy Link Location" (Macintosh / Firefox)
- Launch (or switch to) your podcast receiver program:
- Note: If you don't have a free podcast receiver installed on your computer, please download one--we recommend iTunes or Juice.
- Paste the link you copied in step 2 into your podcast receiver:
- iTunes - Select the "Advanced" menu and then choose "Subscribe to Podcast..." In the window that opens, right-click (Windows) or control-click (Macintosh) and select "Paste" from the pop-up menu. Click the window's "OK" button to finish.
- Juice - Select the "Tools" menu and then choose "Add a Feed" In the window that opens, in the URL field, right-click (Windows) or control-click (Macintosh) and select "Paste" from the pop-up menu. Click the window's "Save" button to finish.
Note: You only need to subscribe to a podcast (do the steps above) once. Your podcast receiver will automatically check PLIWatch.org for new podcasts and download them to your computer.
Note: To listen to podcasts (or to transfer podcasts to your MP3 player), you will use your podcast receiver (iTunes or Juice). Please see your podcast receiver's Help files for more about how your podcast receiver works.
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How do I unsubscribe from a podcast?
Related Help Topics
What is a Podcast? | How do I just listen to a Podcast? | How do I unsubscribe from a podcast?
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